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Golden Rules
The 20 Golden Rules of smarter working websites have stood the test of time here at GoldenComm, and are at the heart of our daily work. These rules are a great place to start when evaluating your website. If you have any questions about them, don't be shy, give us a call! We're here to help.

Leverage User Generated Content and Reviews

Use Stock Photography Only as a Creative Director

Make Videos That Connect with your Audience

Use Trust Seals and Link to the Source

Build Your Site for Humans and Robots

Create Engagement Tools

Refresh Your Remarketing Banners

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Create a Hedgehog Site for Lead Generation

Humanize Your Blog

Lock Your Premium Content

Build a Trojan Horse to Gain Access to Qualified Customers

Set Up Your Web Code Tracking Properly

Acquire High Authority Inbound Links with Killer Anchor Text

Develop a Content Marketing Plan

Have a Simple and Clean Navigation: UX Trumps UI

Drive Traffic to Your Site Using Intentful Phrases

Don’t Get Caught in the Fairy Tale of Marketing Automation