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Larry the Vistage Legend

If it takes 10,000 hours to be a phenom (Malcom Gladwell, Outliers)... then Larry is for sure a living Vistage legend.

Check out clips from this podcast

Do not Rob yourself of failure - success/failure Play clip Play video clip

Time: 1:42

"Don't Rob Yourself of Failure"

Larry the Vistage Legend talking to Jason Lavin about YOTPO Play clip Play video clip

Time: 1:19

Vistage - Peer Group Model

Larry the Vistage Legend talking to Jason Lavin Play clip Play video clip

Time: 1:32

Larry on Getting Involved with Vistage (formerly known as TEC)

Larry talking about Michelle Payne Play clip Play video clip

Time: 2:12

"Coaching is Crucial" - Michelle Payne story


A quick rundown on the numbers:
–  over 15,000 executives coaching discussions
–  over 450 different executives
–  over 1,600 executive peer advisory group meetings

Highlights to this podcast.
What is Vistage? If you’re not sure, it’s 14 minutes into the podcast.

A shout out to “Boaz” (Boaz Rauchwerger) – described as “a tireless Vistage speaker) and the “5-questions” guy.

Starting with his experience as a student-SID (sports information director) at Miami University (Ohio ’59), to the US Marine Corps, to getting his MBA (Northwestern ’64) and onto corporate America, Larry tells us how he got into Vistage (then called TEC), and ultimately ended up staying there for coming up on 37 years.

Larry is 37-year tenure at TEC/Vistage, Larry has led seven different peer groups.

His coaching list today is currently at 45 southern California executives.  He leads two chief executive groups and one group of key executives. Outside Vistage, he provides independent business coaching and participates as a member of advisory boards.

Thanks to Larry for his thoughts/wisdom on what coach’s do for executives.  A neat story about Michell Payne (the first female jockey to win the prestigious Melbourne Cup). Strength vs. effort, patience & courage). Watch the podcast to see how that fits into the role of “coach” and “business owner” as an analogy.

The podcast has a few affirmations from a few long-time Vistage Members/Clients of Larry.

Davey Glantz (N Glantz & Son)
Michael Donner (Barco Uniforms)
Don Hill (Alexander’s Mobility Services)

Beautifully summed up, Larry says, in his observation, an executive joins Vistage if they really want to be a better version of themselves.

Fun Fact (not mentioned in Podcaset) is that in Larry’s tenure at TEC/Vistage, he’s seen eight (8) different TEC/Vistage CEOs.  Fred Chaney started TEC.  Bill Williams was president for several years.  Then Ken Hamlet (briefly).  Then Pat Hyndman & Richard Carr.  then Rafael Pastor for a decade (he was in Larry’s peer group at that time).  Then Leon Shapiro for 3 years. And now the current CEO, Sam Reese.  Yeah, Larry the Vistage Legend.

We will have Larry back in the studio, soon, as we just ran out of time.  Hope you enjoy this one.  Thanks to Larry for sure… one of the greats for sure.

Taylor Brooks

Director of Marketing at GoldenComm

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