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Nehemiah and Google

In this episode our CEO (Jason Lavin) catches up with EOS Author/Consultant Caleb Anderson. They talk about Caleb’s book, Favor with Kings, “an incredible story that's a real narrative about this unlikely guy that goes and does this incredible project.” Listen for more.

So Nehemiah was in kind of a strategic, privileged, good position in this kingdom Play clip Play video clip

Time: 2:30 seconds

"Bad News is the Genesis of Breakthroughs"

Why? Because you name is everyones favorite word Play clip Play video clip

Time: 2:41 seconds

"Go with people who want to go with you"

jason saying, " Yeah, but I've used this book to help guide my life in many occasions. Play clip Play video clip

Time: 0:49 seconds

Intro to Nehemiah and Favor with Kings

Its effective and its making me rethink seo Play clip Play video clip

Time: 2:27 seconds

Nehemiah and Google Favor


Intro music from U2 (Caleb’s choice – and a good choice)

Jason confesses to Caleb that he’s … “used this book to guide my life on many occasions, but I have also used this book in my Internet marketing seminar… because of the character in this book, Nehemiah.”

The format of this podcast is pretty straight-forward.

There are 30 chapters in the book.

Jason has identified 9 of them. If you’re reading this, or listening to the podcast, there’s a lot in the book we don’t over (of course) so make sure you pick one up.

We start with *who* Nehemiah is. Realizing that many of our listeners might not know (or maybe you’ve heard, maybe, of him – but not sure where).

Caleb explains that Nehemiah is a character in the Old Testament. What spawned the book was “all these gems of practical application jumping off the page…” and he just started writing. And not only write, but apply it in real time, with the team he was leading. At this time, Caleb was lead pasture at Mariner’s Church in Huntington Beach.

Caleb mentions a little about his background at USC (business student, volleyball player, team captain) and how he got into ministry.  As the leader of the team, he was looking for an inspirational theme for the year.

Then we move to Chapter 3 – entitled “Bad News”
Jason and Caleb discuss a little about how bad news is the genesis of breakthrough.  How cool (and true) is that. How important it is to cultivate a life, and engagements, to foster the truth.

We then skip to Chapter 5 – “How to Hear from God”
The chapter opens with saying we don’t listen until we’re desperate. There are all sorts of human reality in this.

Forward next to Chapter 6 – “Learning in Wait”
This gives some context to Nehemiah’s work (the cupbearer to the king). Play close attention here as this starts how we tied this into Internet marketing at the end. Nehemiah is so attentive. Such a good worker for the king. And while he’s doing this, he’s preparing and learning.

Onward to Chapter 10 – “EXCELLENCE”
This chapter speaks about how Nehemiah let his guard down (e.g. he’s sad, for the first time) in front of the king. Caleb describes our character of the modern days “no bad days bumper sticker” guy – until there’s a bad day. Then what? Keep on going.

Chapter 11 – “Pray + Plan”
So many take aways from this chapter. Caleb talks about people so often either go big into either praying and spiritualizing, or they go all on the planning and preparation with an ‘all depends on me’ – where there’s really an attention to both here. Not either or.

Gong quickly to the other chapters we cover

Chapter 13 – “A Few”

Chapter 22 – “Names”
This starts with a quote from one of Caleb’s mentors, Kenton Beshore. “Go with people who want to go with you.” Also, this chapter has a great story about the former CEO of Horizon Air (Jeff Pinneo). Great business lessons here.

Chapter 23 – “Enemies”
“Enemies test your strength and make for good stories.”  Thinking about living a great story, it’s not always fun on the road to the bottom (e.g. enemies trying to take you down) but boy is that a critical part of the story.  A good reminder for all of us.

Chapter 27 – “Raise Your Standards”
This is a neat chapter as it relates to coaching (and leadership). Caleb gives great wisdom in this chapter about getting to the next level. This is especially true when nobody thinks something can be done. Timeless lessons on elevating standards and “how you get there” are just as important as the outcome.

Chapter 30 – “Give it Away”
The last chapter of the book and how it addresses today’s leadership challenge. What do you do when you finally get to the top? Listen and find out.

We wrap up the podcast (timestamp 25:40 -ish) talking about Caleb’s work as an EOS Consultant and my he went with that modality. Less about the individual and more about the system and the greater good and the health of the team. This frees the leader up, among other benefits)

Then Jason fills Caleb and listeners in (timestamp 27:10 -ish) on how this all ties into Internet marketing.

Taylor Brooks

Director of Marketing at GoldenComm

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