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Solving Not Selling

Ian Altman, co-author of Same Side Selling and business growth expert, is featured on this podcast. A straight-up b2b sales podcast.

Man saying, " Who are repulsed by the notion of selling when they understand." Play clip Play video clip

Time: :17 seconds

Solving not selling

man talking saying," and the seller are collaboratively putting a puzzle together." Play clip Play video clip

Time: :29 seconds

If they don't fit, they don't fit

Man talking on microphone Play clip Play video clip

Time: 2:24 seconds

Elevator rant

Realizes that you are more interested in their outcome, then... Play clip Play video clip

Time: :28 seconds

Outcome of your client


Four questions that are addressed by Ian Altman in this b2b sales podcast.

How do you build a sales culture within your company?
How do you set it up where people that are not actually in sales can actually sell and grow?
How do people that never *thought* they were in sales, become the rainmakers in the company?
How do some subject matter experts go from being repulsed by the notion of selling to becoming a top sales employee?

Enter the approach of Same Side Selling.

The approach is highly influenced by Ian’s co-author, Jack Quarles.  Jack is NOT in sales. Jack is a guy that spent over two decades in purchasing and procurement. Ian and Jack met up at an integrity peer-to-peer CEO networking group (called “Cadre” out of the Washington DC area). The two paired up to teach companies that when integrity is at the core of the sale, both parties can be on the same side (hence: Same Side Selling).

Most books on sales use a “game metaphor” or a “battle metaphor” – the problem with that, however, is that in games and battles there are WINNERS and LOSERS.  No wonder there are so many issues with buyers and sellers.

Same Side Selling uses more of a “puzzling metafor” – where both buyer and selling are collaborating.  Ian illustrates, “I bring my pieces… you bring your pieces.. and if they don’t fit, then they don’t fit. But if they do fit, then maybe we have something to talk about.”

Consider watching this podcast if you want to STOP BAD SALES. Also check out Ian’s other selling videos to learn more.

Thank you, Ian, for sharing your wisdom with our audience.

Taylor Brooks

Director of Marketing at GoldenComm

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