The John R. Wooden Course
- NopCommerce Integration
- Headless CMS API Integration
- Streamlined Checkout
- Website Design

Company Overview
The John R. Wooden Course website features an assessment that is based on renown collegiate basketball coach, John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. It allows users (individuals, employees in a company, or education teams) to take the assessment based on the blocks on The Pyramid that build to true success, the wooden way. All the results are aggregated so the customer knows what areas they succeed in and which they may need work. It even provides a “playbook” on how to change behavior.
“Success is peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you’re capable.”
– John Wooden
What We Did
At GoldenComm we do a lot of eCommerce website development, but this project was pretty unique in how it was built and how it needed to function. This nopCommerce website is built with a headless CMS that holds all the APIs (push/pull) that connect the front end and the third party assessment site. We launched three websites total that are all integrated together for this one project. The API, CMS and the front end had to speak to the Assessment site which holds the actual Assessment. From there, the users have a dashboard where they can review results for individuals or teams – depending on the type that was purchased.
The site will be used for companies or individuals who want to be successful leaders and create a better work environment and/or better themselves. The nopCommerce front end and headless CMS created a streamlined checkout process outside of using the cart functionality, where customers chose their purchase, filled out the information, and created a username and password for the assessment site. Affiliates of the company will be able to give out unique links to customers tot earn 10% discount on total price, and the affiliate earns 10% of the order total.