Kickin’ It With Melissa
- Microsite for Podcast/TV series
- Tools for easy upload and distribution
- Fun & creative design and branding

Company Overview
This is a terrific example of how podcasting is taking the business world by storm!
Melissa Holmes Goodmon is the founder of an Orange County women’s addiction treatment facility. On her sobriety & recovery podcast, she shares a lifetime of stories in which she invites celebrity guests, who have experienced addiction themselves, to help inspire women around the world to get sober.
Early episodes had guest Braunwyn Windham-Burke, The Real Housewives of Orange County, talking about The Reality of Being Sober.
Another episode was with Candy Finnigan, a professional interventionist known for the A&E television series “Intervention,” entitled The Intervention to Freedom.
Melissa is the Founder and CEO of Casa Capri Recovery, which specializes in Women’s Addiction Treatment in California. Casa Capri specializes in many forms of treatment, and their alcohol rehab programs for women is sought after from women all over the United States.
What We Did
Melissa has been a client of GoldenComm for years. She wanted something “bigger and better” than a blog to tell inspirational stories. Our team, with help from a podcast studio in Orange County, Sunset 17, worked with Melissa and her guests to record, edit and publish this podcast series on women’s recovery. Check her website for more episodes.