Long Tail Alpha
- Full Identity Package
- WordPress CMS
- Responsive Design
- Password Protected Content

The 4-Day Sprint
We don’t get a lot of “walk ins” at GoldenComm, but, heck, we’re all about community and we love when people drop in with fun projects.
As the case with Dr. Vineer Bhansali, who phoned the office on December 18, 2015. Vineer says, “I need to get a website going and I need to get it going quickly.”
“How quickly is quickly?” we asked.
“I need it in less than a week.” He says.
Listening to Vineer’s tight deadline, we encouraged him to stop by the office “TODAY”. And, that’s just what he did. Four hours later, we had the wireframe complete, some concepts for the logo and branding, and shook hands before the weekend.
This began a 96-hour sprint and we launched LongTailAlpha.com on December 22, 2015. Just four days after the handshake.
The Ultra Marathon
Meeting Vineer and working with him was one of our highlights in 2015 – and we did not meet him until the last week of the year. It was one of the greatest sprints in GoldenComm history (again, from hello, nice to meet you, to launch, in less than a week).
We were considering patting ourselves on the back, feeling proud of our endurance and strength… and then we realized “who” we were dealing with.
If you do a friendly Google search on Vineer Bhansali, you’ll see he is sought after worldwide as an investment manager. Specifically, Dr. Bhansali focuses on extracting values from the “tails “of distribution curves. What does that mean you might ask? The “tails” refer to the distribution curves represented by bell-shaped lines in a graph.
What you won’t find if you do the Google search on Vineer Bhansali is that he is an ultra-marathon runner. Dr. Bhansali credits his financial discipline to the persistence of running several 100-mile ultramarathons (as well as his quantitative skills that he developed his theoretical physics Ph.D. from CalTech).