Pastor Rick Warren’s Blog
- Mobile-first design with modern look & feel
- Seamless navigation between articles and products
- Email collection and newsletter signup

Company Overview
Pastor Rick Warren has held far-reaching influence for many years, inspiring hundreds of ministries and countless people across the globe with his Purpose Driven works and organizations. was originally founded as a method to share Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox. For over 30 years, the site has become a powerful repository of resources for pastors with multiple pieces on the topics of Leadership, Fellowship, and Worship. From encouraging words to actionable teachings, the newly designed Pastors Blog is sure to guide pastors and church leaders for many more years to come.
What We Did
When the Purpose Driven team approached us for a professional website design of the Pastors Store, we agreed that the WordPress site—the beating heart of Pastor Rick’s resources for pastors—needed to be refreshed along with it.
Our objective was to make the entire brand more shop-forward, with seamless navigation between the two sites and prominent placement of relevant product advertisements. In the end, we delivered an easy-to-use WordPress website with an updated, but still personable, design with Pastor Rick and his teachings as the centerpiece.